Month: August 2009

  • The College Transfer Admissions Essay: Three Keys

    The College Transfer Admissions Essay: Three Keys

    The big question you have to answer through your essay is basically this: “Why do you want to transfer?” We cover the transfer admissions essay in great detail in the book (with real, successful examples), but I wanted to follow up on the college essay seminar we’ve just sent out to people on the Five…

  • College Students Transferring Back to Their Home States in Record Numbers

    Really interesting article in the New Jersey Star Ledger on students transferring back to colleges in their home state for the savings: Savings Draw Collegians to Transfer Back to NJ It’s unusual to see transfer students get any press, let alone anything so positive. Although the title of the article would lead you to believe…

  • Are There “Transfer Friendly” Colleges Out There?

    Are There “Transfer Friendly” Colleges Out There?

    Yes, there are “transfer friendly” colleges out there. When deciding on which schools to apply to transfer to, it’s worth taking a few minutes to check out a wide range of the schools you might be interested in applying to (before you start narrowing it down) and to think about two points: (1) the school’s…