
  • Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Transferring to an Engineering Degree in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago

    Hi @freddy!

    Thanks for posting, and I’m sorry things have been tough.

    Can you tell us a little more about your situation? If the low GPA is due to just one or two grades that you got at a particularly tough time, then that may be easier to explain than across-the-board lower grades.

    Also, I’m sure there are engineering schools out there that will still take you, it may just take a lot of searching. I’d start now.

    If there aren’t any schools that will take you right now, you may just have to take more classes, raise that GPA, and then try transferring (there are some schools that will take you even if you have a lot of credits).

    Another good option may be raising your GPA, staying in your program, and then going for a masters in Engineering.

    Hope some of this helps, let us know if you have any follow-ups!