
  • Iadanza posted an update 1 year, 8 months ago

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    This man loved her to the bone and put her in the most important position. But she has been immersed in their own pain, still hesitating, still wandering, still confused with their own mood! What’s not clear! She loved him, wanted to be with him, wanted to be with him no matter what happened, wanted him to never have to suffer this pain again! Will my brother blame her? Or is it.. Will also hope that she can be happy?! She wants to live happily, wants to let Jinchen live happily, wants to live happily together with her brother’s share. Lu Xiaoxu took a deep breath. The distance between her and him was only one step away. As long as she reached out her hand, she could hold him and make him painless. Otherwise, he was afraid that if he persisted for a while, he would be as mad and delirious as before because of the pain. He would be in pain for a whole night, and he had been in pain for countless nights before he met her. What about in the future? Is he going to be in pain like this in the future? — — — — Additional chapters of 260 monthly tickets ~ (cqs!) President He Is Paranoid Full Text Volume 13 [859] She stretched out her hands, stepped forward, and hugged him hard! Is to hold him, but also really understand their own hearts, their own ideas and decisions. Jun Jingchen’s body stiffened, his eyes slowly opened, and he looked in shock at the man who had clung to him in his arms. The pain in the body, once again because of her embrace, and in the gradual decline. At the same time, the desire for her in the body is also spreading doubly. You Did you hear what I just said? Do you know that you are now. “I heard very well what you said.”. She interrupted him. “I know what I’m doing right now.” She interrupted him and looked up at him deeply. “Jun Jinchen, didn’t you say before that I was your destiny, so I want to be with you all my life!” He stared at her with a kind of disbelief in his eyes. And she went on to say, “I want to be with you, maybe when I see you, I still think of my brother, but my brother is the one who loves to laugh most,x52 line pipe, and I don’t think he wants to see me cry often!” After a pause, her hand moved to the corner of his lip and stroked his bitten lip. His lips were now red, and her fingers were covered with his blood. The fingertips seemed to be burned, and the nose was sour and astringent, “If.” If my brother refuses to forgive me, then when you and I are old and dead in the future, I will take you to apologize to my brother and tell him that although I have always missed him very much, I love you too much to lose you. He took her hand and leaned down. “Won’t you regret it?” Being with him means that she will always feel guilty about her brother, and every time she looks at him, maybe her guilt will deepen. Lu Xiaoxu shook his head. “I won’t regret it. I want to be with you.” At this moment, she was very clear about this. On tiptoe, she took the initiative to kiss his lips with blood, and the smell of blood poured into the tip of her nose and her mouth. She licked and sucked gently. His wounds, his blood, all represent his pain, uns s32750 sheet ,316ti stainless steel, and his love for her. If he had loved her less, if he had only used her as a painkiller, then he would not have suffered these injuries and shed such blood. Jin Chen, promise me that I will never suffer such pain alone in the future! She said earnestly. His phoenix eyes are full of her face, so how can he not love her! Gently lowered his eyes, this time, he kissed her lips, “Well, we’re all together until we die!” Lips and teeth entangled, each other’s body tightly together, he is like a crazy beast, before the suppressed desire, at this moment all burst out. And she, hard to hold him, hard to kiss him back, do not care about the pain of the body, just want to let him can be completely painless, want to make each other more intimate. Be together until death. Yes, she and he will be together until they die. ———— Lu Xiaoxu doesn’t remember how many times Jun Jinchen asked for her, or. How many times did she want him! Extremely eager for each other, exhausted the last trace of strength on the body. Lu Xiaoxu did not know whether she had squeezed Jun Jinchen dry, anyway, she was completely squeezed dry. In the end, even the eyelids can not open, fingers can not move, the whole person fell asleep in a daze. By the time she woke up, she had been changed into pajamas, and her body was very fresh. It was obvious that she had been bathed after “exercise” last night. Comrade Lu Xiaoxu felt like an old cow dragging a broken car, slowly sitting up, slowly lifting the quilt, and slowly moving out of bed. Every time he moved, the bones of his body were crying. She estimated that she didn’t have to go to work today, so she should have a good rest. It can be seen that the excessive vertical Yu is definitely not a good thing! Looked around the room, she did not see Jun Jinchen, so slowly moved out of the room, want to see him earlier! Somehow, when she opened her eyes, she couldn’t wait to see him. Walking to the stairway entrance, Lu Xiaoxu looked at the stairs winding down, and could not help but have a big head. For the first time, I found that walking down the stairs was also a very tiring thing. Just as she was about to reach the first floor, her feet suddenly went limp and she threw herself face down. Ah Comrade Lu Xiaoxu instinctively screamed, waiting for a close contact between her face and the ground, and as a result, a big hand caught her waist, dangerously allowing her to escape the disaster. Familiar breath,x70 line pipe, immediately surrounded her, even without looking up, Lu Xiaoxu also knew who was holding her at the moment. Why did you come down? Didn’t you sleep for a while? A steady voice sounded in her ear.