Category: Essays

  • Strategy for the College Transfer Application

    One of our readers has posted his/her strategy for putting together the best possible college transfer application and asked us for feedback. Here, I walk through the strategy, responding to the reader and highlighting the positive aspects as well as areas that can be improved upon. Let’s begin with what the reader says: I’m going…

  • Customize Your Common Application “Why Transfer” Essay as Needed

    Customize Your Common Application “Why Transfer” Essay as Needed

    We have been getting a lot of questions regarding what to write for the Common Application main “why do you want to transfer” essay. Our advice is to customize your essay if doing so would tell the story you want to tell the reader, keeping in mind the rest of your application. You might then ask, “What? …

  • The Common Application is Flawed

    The Common Application is Flawed

    We’ve received many emails and comments from worried transfer applicants who are having trouble with the Common Application. We’ve dug through the Common App to expose some of the issues that you’ll come across as you complete the application. Discrepancies between the PDF and Online Applications We would expect that the Common App would be…

  • College Transfer Q&A: What to Write on the Common Application General Transfer Essay vs the School Supplement Essay

    College Transfer Q&A: What to Write on the Common Application General Transfer Essay vs the School Supplement Essay

    Question: When I looked at the common application, I noticed that there is a generic “why transfer” essay and a supplement for each school that asks, “Why do you want to transfer here?” What should be included in one versus the other? Answer: Before we get into the differences between the two essays, we think…

  • Your Transfer Application: the Complete Breakdown

    Your Transfer Application: the Complete Breakdown

    Here’s a breakdown of all the items any student (whether coming from a community college or a four-year school) may need to apply to transfer. The major exception to these guidelines are community college students interested in transferring to a public university in their own state. Those students should check out our state transfer guides,…