Lan Ngo wrote a new post 9 years ago
Lan Ngo commented on the post, College Transfer Applications: Sending Transcripts 9 years ago
Some colleges and universities now require that transcripts be sent directly from the institution of origin. Check the application requirements carefully.
Lan Ngo commented on the post, College Transfer Admission Criteria: What's a "Good" GPA? 9 years ago
It’s worth a shot to apply, given your solid GPA at Duke.
Lan Ngo commented on the post, College Transfer Admission Criteria: What's a "Good" GPA? 9 years ago
Colleges and universities that participate in the Title IV federal student aid programs are required to post a net price calculator on their website. Columbia falls in this category. Use Columbia’s net price […]
Lan Ngo commented on the post, Customize Your Common Application "Why Transfer" Essay as Needed 9 years ago
Update: For the 2015-2016 Common Application, colleges and universities can decide if they want to make the “why transfer” essay optional. This is what it says in Common App in the “Writing” section:
“Some […]
Lan Ngo commented on the post, The College Transfer Application Essay: "Why" Transfer Example 9 years ago
Should you write a Common App “Personal Essay” customized for each school? It depends on the school. Many colleges and universities require a writing supplement where you can specifically discuss the school in […]
Lan Ngo wrote a new post 9 years ago
Lan Ngo commented on the post, Should I Even Apply to Transfer to This College? Case Study: Brown University 10 years ago
In many cases, your chance of being accepted as an international student will be reduced if you indicate that you need financial aid. However, if you are able to devote time to prepare strong transfer […]
Lan Ngo commented on the post, Customize Your Common Application "Why Transfer" Essay as Needed 10 years ago
The best essays I’ve seen usually begin with an anecdote or example that includes concrete details. Brainstorm a few potential stories or examples that you might use for the introduction of your essay, and you […]
Lan Ngo commented on the post, Customize Your Common Application "Why Transfer" Essay as Needed 10 years ago
If your strategy is to submit a customized version of the main Common App “why transfer” essay to each of the three schools, then yes, your description of the process sounds correct.
Lan Ngo wrote a new post 10 years ago
Lan Ngo commented on the post, When to Dump Your College: Transfer Mid-Year or Stick It Out? 10 years ago
It sounds like you’re leaning toward transferring after 1.5 years rather than 2 years. It would not hurt to aim to transfer after 1.5 years. If you don’t get the results you want, you have another shot at […]
Lan Ngo commented on the post, When to Dump Your College: Transfer Mid-Year or Stick It Out? 10 years ago
I know that the hard copy is available, but I haven’t seen a digital version.
Lan Ngo wrote a new post 10 years ago
Lan Ngo commented on the post, The College Transfer Admissions Essay: Three Keys 10 years ago
Assuming that you’re going to use the Common App, it would be best to use the “additional information” section to explain your situation so that you can save space in your why transfer essay to highlight your strengths.
Lan Ngo wrote a new post 11 years ago
The Dartmouth, the college’s student newspaper, reports that the Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid considers transfer students to be the kinds of students the College wants to have in its community. […]
Lan Ngo commented on the post, Transferring Colleges: Three Ways to Overcome a Weak High School GPA 11 years ago
Make sure to get that 4.0 at SDSU, and go ahead and apply to USC. At most universities/colleges, your undergrad GPA carries more weight than your high school GPA, though everything in your file generally affects […]
Lan Ngo commented on the post, College Transfer Admission Criteria: What's a "Good" GPA? 11 years ago
A 3.9+ GPA makes you a competitive candidate. Regardless, I usually suggest to students that they expand their school list given the competitive nature of the application process.
Lan Ngo replied to the topic prerequisites? in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
Prerequisites are generally very strict. You might try calling the admissions office to explain your situation. In most cases, prerequisites are just what they are.
Lan Ngo commented on the post, When to Dump Your College: Transfer Mid-Year or Stick It Out? 11 years ago
Because you already have a specific college in mind, go ahead and directly contact that college (Queens-Borough). Someone in the admissions office there should be able to give you the exact answer to your question.
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