
  • Garcia posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    Narrow aisle rack And Ye Tao looked at the two parents with a trace of awe expression, but also a faint smile, but no words, anyway, the things to say, the main points to remember, Yu Ke and Zhu Wei will naturally tell them that he does not need to talk nonsense. The flying sail soon came to the small island in the Caribbean Sea. It was about ten o’clock here, and it was sunny and sunny. Coming to the island, Yu Ke and Zhu Wei’s parents were naturally welcomed by the people on the island. Under the introduction of Yu Ke and Zhu Wei, their parents, who were middle-aged scholars, turned out to be a deputy mayor, which shocked them slightly. However, compared with Ye Tao, the impact on them was much less. They returned to the villa, chatted for half an hour, Ye Tao said some words, rushed back to Z city, because Zhang Xuan these two days there are some school things to be busy, he is naturally to accompany Zhang Xuan, anyway, for him, where is the same. As for the others, they dispersed. After sorting out the accommodation problem, Yu Ke and Zhu Wei took their parents together to watch the beautiful scenery around the island. At this time, Yu Sheng looked at Yu Ke beside him and asked, “Is that Zhang Songlin Xiaotao’s man?” “Be counted as a prospective father-in-law,” Yu Kewen said happily, and Zhu Wei was the same, with a strange smile all over his face. “Father-in-law?” Yu Sheng was a little stupefied and immediately asked curiously, “who is Xiaotao’s daughter?”? Is that the shy girl we saw at the airport? “Yes,” Yu Ke nodded happily and said, “but she also has a magical identity. Uncle Zhu and Aunt Zhu should have seen her appearance.” “Have we met?” After Zhu’s parents were slightly stupefied, Zhu’s father asked curiously, “Who is that?” “This question you also pig” in can hey hey smile back, about this question, he and Zhu Wei immediately asked Ye Tao, but Ye Tao did not object to them to say, because, Zhang Xuan and so on two days to come here, if Zhang Xuan came, Zhu Wei’s parents can not guess who Zhang Xuan is, after all, Zhu Wei’s parents but attended many times I have met Zhang Xuan several times. At that time, Zhang Xuan could not wear a big pair of sunglasses. When Zhu’s parents heard this, they turned their eyes to Zhu Wei’s face. Even Yu Ke’s parents were no exception. Zhu Wei looked at the eyes of the crowd and said with a smile, “Mom and Dad, which one of the teachers you taught me is the most beautiful?” Don’t skip words “Although Zhu’s parents did not understand why they said so, they still nodded, and then Zhu’s mother wanted to have such a little enlightenment, and did not know how to believe it.” You mean? ” Zhu Wei said, “Mom, do you think that the eldest daughter is my physics teacher Zhang Xuan, that is, the girl you saw at the airport, who always lowers her head?” Hearing this, the parents of the two families were immediately dumbfounded. They really didn’t think that Ye Tao’s daughter was his teacher. …… Three days later Zhang Xuan was taken to the island by Ye Tao after dealing with school affairs. When she saw Zhu Wei’s parents, of course, there was a trace of embarrassment. However, Narrow aisle rack , after so many things, her mentality soon calmed down and she talked and laughed with them. And after Ye Tao returned to the island, he exchanged more than ten virtual game warehouses. Although the grade of the game warehouse is the same, the nutritional potions placed in it are completely different. The value of each bottle is equivalent to the value of 1.5 energy, but even so, it is also beneficial to others. While others were training, Ye Tao also became quiet and began to enter the core of the earth to absorb energy, which lasted for more than 20 days. Although the energy absorbed is already an astronomical figure, but the progress of practice is no longer as fierce as before, according to Ye Tao’s calculation, if he wants to fully reach the golden elixir period, he has to absorb energy for at least a year and a half, and this year and a half is not in space, it needs to be realistic, it is the golden elixir period that needs too much energy. Don’t even think about it without more than 30 years. In addition, Ye Tao’s fire aptitude has reached a height of 64 after absorbing a lot of fire spar. Relatively speaking, the degree of absorbing the energy of the earth’s core has also been accelerated. At this moment Ye Tao out of the core, straight to the ground to run away, to the day after tomorrow will be issued a notice of the results, and Zhang Xuan also need to go back to school to do something. As soon as Ye Tao returned to the island, he saw Yu Ke and others sitting there basking in the sun. Ye Tao flew down with a smile and asked, “How many points did you two get in the exam?” In a funny way, “not yet, not too unexpected, 669 points, but the old pig this guy, but 684 points, a bit exaggerated.” Zhu Wei scratched his head and said, “I didn’t control it for a while, I didn’t control it for a while.” Ye Tao shook his head in a funny way and then asked him, “Do you have all the other people’s scores now?” Don’t skip words “Yes,” Zhu Wei nodded, and then said, “eldest brother, you got 675 points, Ning Nana got 673 points, Tang Qi got 670 points, Liu yuan in the class also got 657 points, the most abnormal is Xu Yiran, unexpectedly got 706 points, is this year’s national liberal arts champion.” Ye Tao did not have the slightest surprise about this, after all, Xu Yiran’s achievements in his previous life reached more than 650 points, after absorbing the power of Dan medicine in this life, it is impossible not to get a high score. “Well, you wait here, I go to call Xiaoxuan, we will soon,” Ye Tao said, and flew towards the villa in the distance. As soon as he entered his villa with Zhang Xuan, he saw his parents chatting with Zhang Xuan in the hall. He went in with a smile and said, “What about chatting?” Hearing this, they immediately turned around, and Ye Qingyue, one of them, ran away with a smile, “Congratulations to my brother for getting good grades.” “This is a good congratulations, expected things,” Ye Tao smiled and touched his head. Ye Qingyue said, “Brother, I’m going to take the exam to enter Huada next year. When the time comes, I’ll be your little sister.” Ye Tao was dumbfounded when he heard this. “You little girl, you have nothing to do. Besides, even if you enter the society now, it seems too early. I think it’s better to talk about it when you are fifteen years old.”