Jeffrey started the topic Someone to give them all the details? in the forum Counselors 13 years ago
When going to college I remember we had counselors who would talk with us on what we need to do to apply for college and what we need to do when we get in. Is it the same today? Will there be counselors there to […]
Jeffrey started the topic Parents get a bad rap in the forum Parents 13 years ago
When the time comes to get your child into college, I think parents get a bad rap. A lot of the time I’d say that parents can’t afford to put their children through college, I’m the same way and I wish I could. I […]
Jeffrey started the topic How would one go at getting a scholarship? in the forum Financial Aid and Scholarships 13 years ago
I understand most students get scholarships for doing great in school and extracurricular activity such as sports and clubs. Any idea if you can apply for any scholarship? I’d like to get my son into a good school […]
Jeffrey replied to the topic Any parents letting their kids go? For college of course in the forum Parents 13 years ago
Yes My son wants to go to college very soon here. It’s kind of tough, but we know he’s ready for the real world now. We groomed him to be a great man and I hope he takes what he learned and makes it out in the […]
Jeffrey started the topic Son wants to go elsewhere in the forum Community College 13 years ago
My son currently graduated high school and he’s always had the dream of going to a good school, thing is we aren’t really financial stable at the moment and I can’t support his dreams. We saved up to nearly […]
Jeffrey became a registered member 13 years ago