
  • Mancini posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    ultrasonic emulsifying machine
    “You, huh..”. When Zulong heard Tianfeng’s words, he was slightly angry, but as Tianfeng said, now is not the time to say anything else, first solve the previous things, the children are scarred, must let them rest in the Hui nationality, other things can only be said later! So, they no longer answer, silence aside. Tianfeng and Moyun looked at each other and nodded to each other, as if they had decided something. They glanced at each other, and then Moyun glanced aside. Instead of looking at them, he looked at the sky, as if he was thinking about something. When Tianfeng saw Moyun like this, he knew he didn’t want to open his mouth again. So Tianfeng opened his mouth and said, “Zulong, since we all want to withdraw our troops and stop fighting.” That’s all for today. How about we go back to our respective clans? The last sentence is a rhetorical question of Zulong. But did not wait for Zulong to answer, a very abrupt voice, then spread to the ears of three people, so that three people can not help but be stunned, only to hear “I do not agree.” Let’s guess who said this, hey, please subscribe, ask for flowers, ask for rewards, let’s support loneliness more, please, loneliness is sinking to the bottom, alas. Look ^ hand ^ hit ^ small ^ say ^ come “” or The new version of the train of thought has been opened, with fresh pictures, fast updates and fewer advertisements. Remember the new domain name: [Volume II, Chapter 133, Gave You Guilty] ^ ^ Si ^ Lu ^ Zhong ^ Wen ^ Wang ^ ^ Www. CiLooK. Cn Pure ~ Hand ~ Play ~ Before Zulong could speak,ultrasonic dispersion machine, there was a sharp voice, which was transmitted from a distance to all the monks of the three clans of dragons, phoenixes and Kirins, “I don’t agree.”. Then the monks of the three clans saw a monk wearing a black robe and enveloping his whole body in the black robe. He came from far away. He seemed to have used a magical power to shrink into the ground. Every step was tens of thousands of miles away. At the moment after he made a sound, he used this magical power to shrink into the ground and came to the center of the battlefield where Zulong, Tianfeng and Moyun were. I haven’t agreed with you to stop fighting yet. How can I retreat like this! What do you say, three Taoist friends? The shrill voice of the black-robed friar came out again. Zulong, Tianfeng, three people looked at each other, all saw the horror in each other’s eyes, because all three of them felt that the sudden appearance of the monk’s realm of cultivation had reached the peak of the peak of Yasheng, that is to say, the black-robed man, with only a thin barrier left, could break through the past and achieve a holy monk in history! Of course, people have not forgotten Xiaoyao Tianzun, after all, ultrasonic dispersing machine ,ultrasonic emulsifying machine, Xiaoyao Tianzun’s cultivation is there, no one can belittle. At that time, on the sea area of Penglai, there was a monk who was punished by heaven. At that time, Xiaoyao Tianzun stood one hundred and fifty thousand miles away from the people who were punished by heaven. He just took a look at the monks who were peeping or hiding in the dark, which made the monks who were hiding in the dark Major Cold in their hearts. Because they found that the way Xiaoyao Tianzun looked at them was just like the way they usually looked at the many low-level monks under them, or the way they looked at the mole ants when they looked at all the people in the flood and famine? With them this kind of sub-holy period above for, in the flood and famine of the major forces, are belonging to the top of the monks, after seeing the Xiaoyao Tianzun that one eye, unexpectedly let them feel a kind of indifference, yes, is to want to wait for people to see the look of mole ants, this can not help but let Xiaoyao Tianzun see those monks hiding in the dark are shocked by Tianzun’s cultivation! Although Xiaoyao Tianzun gives people the feeling of unfathomable, after all, Xiaoyao Tianzun is a public figure. The monks who have a head and a face in the flood and famine all know the existence of Tianzun. They all know that Tianzun generally ignores the things on the flood and famine continent. So as long as they don’t take the initiative to provoke TianZun, they don’t have to worry that Tianzn will interfere in all kinds of affairs. But now? Suddenly there was a monk who was almost close to the sage realm, which had to shock the three of them. Even if they wanted to reach the level of the monk’s cultivation realm in front of them, they would have to accumulate thousands of yuan of magic power, and work hard to understand the way of heaven and earth in order to reach the level of this person in front of them. Why does Daoyou have this intention? Do we know each other? Zulong looked at the monk in front of him and asked cautiously. Zulong is also very helpless, ah, have to be careful, because this person’s realm of cultivation is higher than any one of the three of them, to their level of monks, the level of cultivation is no longer simply to discuss who is which level, but to discuss who is higher than who’s understanding of the Tao. The two monks, who are also the peak of Yasheng, look at their cultivation, but their cultivation is the same, but it is not equal to the same realm, just like the man in front of them, compared with any one of the three of them, they can’t compare with each other! What do you mean? Why is there a gap between the same cultivation and different realms? According to the black-robed man and Zulong in front of us as an example, this cultivation is the same, that is to say, both of them are at the peak of Yasheng’s cultivation, but the meaning of the realm is that who has a higher level of understanding of Tao between the two of them. Obviously, Luo’s realm is more than one or two points higher than Zulong’s three people! Because, if in the meticulous sub-realm, Zulong’s present realm is more at the beginning of the peak of Yasheng, while Luo Wei has reached the peak of Yasheng, only a thin film is needed, as long as a little further forward, you can break through that film, so that the holy realm can become! Originally in Zulong’s mind, even if the three of them are not the strongest people in the flood and famine (except for the known Xiaoyao Tianzun), but also in the top of the ranking, not to mention one or two, there are also two or three, we are not very different in cultivation, just because of their magical skills. Who knows, now suddenly appeared in front of everyone’s monk, completely subverted the concept of Zulong, so, Zulong asked the black-robed monk’s question,ultrasonic extraction cbd, is also what Tianfeng and Moyun want to ask, three people are cautiously looking at the sudden appearance of the monk, to see how he answered.