
  • TaoTsui posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    A thinner multi disc screw press man said, “What’s there to talk about?”? Of course, some time ago, didn’t the Ministry of Punishment announce the cause of death of the eighteen members of the Song family? Didn’t you mention the secret method of dyeing cloth in the Song Dyeing Workshop? It is said that they add human blood to the dye, and the dyed cloth can be unparalleled and beautiful! Another person answers, “Then, we went to try, also try to add oneself essence blood in dye, you guess what?” Wen Qing opened her eyes wide and asked, “How is it?” The man took a swig of wine and burped. He spat, “Well?”? I’m angry when I talk about it! Chapter 41 a man is missing. Chu Yun and Wen Qing looked at each other with some doubts. They have overlooked one point, that is, the Ministry of Punishment announced the secret method of dyeing cloth in the Song Dyeing Workshop, what is its authenticity? At that time, Wen Qing had made several assumptions about the case of the Ministry of Punishment closing the case against the Song family! The first is whether the tragic death of the eighteen members of the Song family was a homicide or not! Now Wen Qing has basically been able to confirm that the eighteen people of the Song family were indeed killed by others! Those who kill them, to get their eyes! Then there is only the second hypothesis, Wen Qing’s original hypothesis is that the eighteen members of the Song family were killed by him! Then the Ministry of Punishment is obviously lying, the closing case is also fabricated, the cause of death is also fabricated! If it’s all made up, then why make up such a cause of death? A very sensitive cause of death! Wen Qing thought about it and only thought of one possibility! The Ministry of Punishment wants the eyes of Luoyang City to focus on one point, that is, the secret method of dyeing cloth in the Song family! Because no one does not want to know, can let the Song family dyeing workshop become the first dyeing workshop in Luoyang city, what kind of method is it! Chu Yun looked at the man and asked,Lamella Plate Settler, “is this brother in the cloth business?” The man craned his neck and opened his mouth to the smell of alcohol? I just used the so-called secret method of the Song family to dye the cloth, which caused my family to waste a lot of blood. I don’t know how much meat I can eat to make up for it, but what’s the result? The cloth dyed with refined blood was so fishy and thick that it could not be dried at all, and finally the whole batch of cloth was destroyed! What bad luck! Bad luck! Wen Qing looked at the others in a twinkling of an eye. “Have you all tried it?” The man beside Wen Qing laughed and said, “I haven’t tried it, because I’m doing other business, but as far as I know, half of the people in Luoyang City should have tried this method!”! Tried, all scold very badly, secret method, ah, which is so easy to spread out? So naive! Then he burst out laughing, fine bubble diffuser ,rotary vacuum disc filters, provoking the three or four people in the cloth business to shout abuse again! Then they stopped talking about this topic and talked about other topics! After sitting for a while, Wen Qing got up and planned to go back to the carriage! Chu Yun also followed to get up, and then say goodbye to those people, which would like those people to pull Chu Yun not to go! How can you leave if you haven’t finished drinking? They’re obviously drunk! Seeing that Wen Qing had already walked out of the pavilion, Chu Yun wanted to go but couldn’t, so he drank three bowls of pole wine, and those people were willing to let him go! Behind him, there was a burst of laughter, apparently talking about the girl of which family! A few big men, the most talked about is the girl! This is also the reason why Wen Qing wants to return to the carriage! On the way back to the carriage, Chu Yun rubbed his hands and asked, “Sister Qing, why don’t you sit down again?”? There’s still a long way to go before the curfew ends! Wen Qing didn’t look back. “I didn’t ask you to come back with me. Just sit down!” Chu Yun followed with a smile and said, “I didn’t see your face quite right just now. Did you guess something again?” Wen Qing slowed down and did not answer, but asked, “Who has the final say in the Ministry of Punishment?” Chu Yun did not know why Wen Qing asked this at this time, he said truthfully, “of course it’s the Minister of Punishment!” Wen Qing continued to ask, “It was Li Sui Shangshu who was responsible for the tragic death of the eighteen members of the Song family!”! So that is to say, the closing words were also written by him? Chu Yun said, “not bad.” Wen Qing suddenly stopped! Eighteen members of the Song family were actually killed, but Li Sui Shangshu hastily closed the case, he closed a false case! There’s only one possibility that he would do this. He wants to protect the murderer! And on the bodies of the eighteen members of the Song family, there were traces of insects related to Master Zhu. Chu Yun’s face became dignified. “You mean Master Zhu is the murderer?”? Is Li Sui trying to shield him by closing a false case? Wen Qing shook her head, “No!”! If Li Sui wants to shield a murderer who killed eighteen people, what kind of relationship does this person have with Li Sui to let Li Sui take such a big risk to shield him? A close relative? I asked Xiaoyu that Master Zhu and Li Sui didn’t know each other at all! “Secondly, if Li Sui did not know what purpose he chose to shield Master Zhu, why didn’t Master Zhu show up now that the case was closed?”? Li Sui’s announcement of the Song family’s secret method of dyeing cloth has attracted the public’s attention! No one will question whether the eighteen members of the Song family were killed by him or not! Chu Yun felt headache again, he had admired Wen Qing’s mind when he was in Yihong Courtyard! “Sister Qing thinks.” Wen Qing took a look at Chu Yun and continued to walk forward. “There is another possibility that Li Sui himself is the murderer. He is shielding himself!” Chu Yun was shocked and completely stunned! After reacting, Chu Yun caught up with him. He swallowed his saliva and asked, “Is there any evidence?” Wen Qing said, “No!” Evidence? It’s not easy to find evidence in this age! Approaching the carriage, Wen Qing whispered to Chu Yun, “I’ll tell you later, don’t say anything to Xiaoyu first!” Chu Yun said, “I know that!” When getting on the carriage, Wen Qing just saw Xie Yu staring blankly at the bag of tricks in his hand! Wen Qing sat in front of him he did not react to come over, Chu Yun patted him before he reacted to come over, the whole person as if frightened,Rotating sludge scraper, almost jumped up! Seeing that it was Wen Qing and Chu Yun, Xie Yu came to his senses. You’re back! Wen Qing shook her hand in front of his eyes and said, “What are you in a daze for?”