Category: Requirements

  • College Transfer Applications: Sending Transcripts

    One of the unspoken requirements of the transfer applications is the ability to be organized. Sending your school transcripts demonstrates this need. Though the Common Application for freshman applicants allows high schools to electronically submit school reports and transcripts through the Common App website, this function isn’t available to transfer applicants, who must send hard…

  • Transfer Requirements: Cornell University Case Study

    Transfer Requirements: Cornell University Case Study

    Meeting requirements for the transfer application is crucial; missing even one item could disqualify your application from being considered. Unfortunately, the requirements are not always straightforward. This post examines the process of determining course requirements for transfer applicants using Cornell University as a case study. Specifically, let’s say you want to apply to transfer as…

  • How to Research Transfer Admission Criteria

    How to Research Transfer Admission Criteria

    In our last blog entry, we provided some specific details about transfer requirements at different schools. How did we find all that info? Research! It’s not hard. With just a few minutes of online research you can find out what schools expect from you as a transfer applicant. Say you’re interested in transferring to the…

  • College Transfer Admission Criteria: What’s a “Good” GPA?

    College Transfer Admission Criteria: What’s a “Good” GPA?

    This question was inspired by an email we received from a reader. So, what GPA do you need to get if you’re applying to transfer? The obvious answer is “get all As (and maybe even shoot for A pluses) so that the school you apply to will have no excuse to reject you.” Of course,…

  • Why the Community College Transfer Process is So Complicated

    Why the Community College Transfer Process is So Complicated

    More than 2.7 million people are in a community college in California. Plenty of these are students seeking just two-year degrees, but did you know only about 100,000 of those community college students transfer to a four-year school each year? That’s only 3.7% of all the students in community college! It’s tough to estimate, but…