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Face bobbleheads are popular giveaways for trade shows, promotional events, and parties. These unique giveaways are an affordable and unique way to promote your company. Trade show booths are full of giveaways that are sure to catch the attention of potential customers. By giving away custom bobbleheads, your company will gain valuable exposure in a highly competitive market.

Besides being useful trade show giveaways, custom face items can be given away in-store or anytime during the month. Just make sure that the design is eye-catching and appropriate for the audience. Some designs are better for trade show environments than others, so you should work with a reliable provider to help you design the perfect giveaway.

Face bobbleheads are also a fun way to promote sports teams. Major league baseball teams regularly give away these promotional items. During a recent A’s game, for example, the team sold 25,000 tickets 24 hours before the game. The remainder of the tickets were sold to walkups and online. Because of this, a team has to carefully plan their giveaways, including the number of bobbleheads.