
  • Shimozukushichi posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

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    Speaking of the fight between the journalism boys and our philosophy boys caused by the little demon, please note that I use the fight here instead of anything else, which means the struggle between the partners. The reason why I regard the journalism department and the boys of our department as a group is that two years later, after the accident when the little demon happened, someone saw the leader of the battle, Peng Peng of the journalism department, crying with Liao Fan, a boy of our department, in the pub of the military Academy. Speaking of the internal struggle, we have to mention our girls’ dormitory first. Because I have always felt that although the female dormitory is not the fuse of the whole incident, it is definitely one of the origins of the story. The military Academy in Jiangcheng is a military liberal arts Academy, and the ratio of male to female students is 10 to 1. The girls live in a two-story building facing the playground, which is the seven-story boys’ dormitory. There is a playground in the middle of the dormitory for boys and girls, and the runway is circular. As a result, there is a popular saying that the boys’ dormitory is called the Cowherd Building, and the girls’ dormitory is naturally called the Weaving Maid Building, which is naturally separated by the Milky Way. There are several French plane trees in front of the small building of the girls’ dormitory. The plane trees stretch their luxuriant branches and hold them up to the window of the girls’ dormitory like long arms. There are two laurel trees and two magnolias in the flower bed at the door. Magnolia blossoms in spring, white petals emitting elegant fragrance, there are always girls under the tree to pick up petals to the tree folder. In autumn, the sweet osmanthus fragrance ripples in the air,turmeric extract powder, and even the girls’clothes drying in the window are fumigated with a faint fragrance. Passing by the dormitory downstairs, you can often hear the sound of various musical instruments coming from the building, such as the sobbing of the violin, the light melody of the accordion, and the melodious music of the flute. Sometimes it’s a complete piece of music, sometimes it’s a long one and a short one, like doing a starting exercise. Although it is not very fluent, it also has the melody of music. Often,rosmarinic acid supplement, you can hear the girls’ laughter, which is as sweet as a silver bell. Girls’ dormitories always give people endless reverie, especially when you can’t enter the door at all. Before stepping into the gate of the female dormitory building, you can see four big characters on the glass above the door-no male guests. The four characters were painted with black ink, in regular script, with a sense of seriousness and warning. Walking to the gate, I caught a glimpse of a long table, leaning tightly against the door, leaving only a small opening through which a person could pass. Sitting behind the long table all day long was a woman with a serious face, her eyes shining brightly at everyone who passed the door. In fact, this female dormitory supervisor is not bad. She has a straight nose and a square mouth. She combs her short hair neatly. She has the heroic bearing of a cadre of the Women’s Rescue Association. But her expression always makes people feel afraid, it is a very strange look. The eyes are shining, and the beam of light emanating from them is straight, sweeping straight across your face, phycocyanin spirulina ,lutein and zeaxanthin supplements, and then sweeping from your upper body to your lower body to your feet. Looking at it layer by layer, like doing a thorough X-ray examination for you, people can’t help but feel ashamed of their physical body first. Her mouth was tightly closed, but the corners of her mouth were stretched out on both sides, as if ready to laugh at someone or something. 6 After a long time, we all know that this female dormitory is a military family member of a teacher in the military Academy. In the village before, he had been the secretary of the township party committee, and he was also a popular figure. As soon as she followed her husband into the city, the hero had no place to play. After several days of hardship, she finally found her new life coordinates in the girls’ dormitory. With her strong party spirit and solid work style, she has completely achieved the goal of one man holding the pass, so that the female dormitory has been like a holy virgin land for many years, and has always maintained her purity. You can’t help but ask, how many flowers of love can blossom under such heavy guard? Yes It is the youth of seventeen or eighteen years old, get along for a long time, men and women will inevitably produce a strange chemical reaction. This is as natural as a seed entering the ground to germinate and a fruit falling to the ground when it is ripe. But in the military Academy, the special requirements of discipline *** a violation. There is no private space for boys and girls to communicate with each other, and they are always under the bright eyes of the people. And the more so, it seems, the easier it is to stage the stunning spectacle of moths to the flame. After the winter vacation, spring began, and the pursuers of the beautiful little demon began to come out one after another after a winter of dormancy. Before long, a dark horse suddenly appeared among the many suitors. The suitor, Peng Peng, comes from the Department of Journalism. His family background is said to be very impressive in the military circles. He is the son of a senior cadre in the army. The boy’s image and temperament are not bad, and he can be regarded as a handsome guy. When he laughs, he likes to tilt his head back and look superior. On weekdays, there are always a bunch of little brothers around, and the style is not stingy with anything. On New Year’s Day, he fought with several cadres and cadets in the tavern of the military Academy because he didn’t say a word. Although he didn’t do it himself, a few of his little brothers who supported him took advantage of the chaos to give them a few feet. He was given a warning for this, but he did not change his aggressive attitude. Peng Peng how to see the details of the little demon do not know, in fact, do not have to think, who in the military Academy can not notice the little demon? His way of pursuing the little demon is a little special. At least at that time, the cadets looked very foreign. He does not write love letters to the little demon, the little demon received too many love letters, I am afraid it is not so easy to stand out. So he intentionally deviated from the sword. He sent a little brother, who had been with him all day, to chat with the little demon on the way back to the dormitory from the canteen. He put a ticket in the little demon’s hand and invited him to go swimming at the military club three stops away from the military Academy on Sunday. In early spring, Peng Peng, a senior cadre’s son in swimming shorts, was eager to wear by the swimming pool, and finally failed to wait for a beautiful woman in a swimsuit to cover her body. The first time he rashly failed, Peng Peng tossed and turned on his bunk in the sleepless night,ghana seed extract, sneezing loudly one after another. When it is warm and cold, it is the most difficult to rest. The swimming pool in early spring is still a bit chilly. A brother who slept in the lower berth of Peng Peng could not bear to watch, so he told Peng Peng a message that the little demon would appear at the weekend dance from time to time recently.