Chris Goodmacher changed their profile picture 5 years ago
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Competitive GPA for Ivy transfer? in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
You’re exactly right. 3.9+ is as solid as you need, GPA-wise. At the most selective schools, the rest comes down to how your ECs, letters of rec, and essays compare with those of the other applicants.
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic general questions in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
1. Short version: just ask as nicely as possible, don’t focus on the negatives of your current school, but focus on what you want to study and the opportunities you want to pursue at the schools you’re applying to.
2. Absolutely yes.
3. It really depends on how you talk about it in your essay. Coming off as unsure of what you want to study isn’t…[Read more]
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Reasons for Transferring in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
Well, why do people consider one school better than another? Why is MIT considered a strong engineering/sciences school? It’s not arbitrary, there are real reasons these reputations exist. In The Transfer Book we have a whole 40-odd page section on how to determine where you should transfer to.
On the second question: you can talk generally about…[Read more]
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic essay conclusion question in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Junior transfer chances? in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
Based on your stats, you probably don’t need a killer essay. But it always helps, especially at the more selective schools (Wharton, MIT).
If you don’t want to sign up with us for counseling/essay reviews (Transfer Counselors), I would recommend thinking of the person you know (a teacher, a relative?) that is the best writer, and working with…[Read more]
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic MIT Sloan transfer in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
To give you a really good answer, I’d have to look at your whole application and see how everything you say across all the questions in the application is balanced.
But, in general, being specific is better. Talking about Sloan in particular is more specific, so I would lean toward that.
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Course selection in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
If you know exactly what you want to study, I would take as many upper-level courses in that topic as you can while confidently being able to get straight-As overall.
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Reasons for Transferring in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
You can still talk about wanting to be academically challenged (be very careful when discussing whether your classmates are “competitive” or not – it’s very easy to sound condescending).
However, whatever school you want to transfer to should be better than the one you’re at at what you want to study. For example, let’s say you’re studying…[Read more]
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Seeking to transfer out of U. Michigan in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
1) SAT scores: As we say in our book (this is also what we tell our counseling students), your SAT score is good enough as long as it’s above the bottom 25 percentile for entering freshmen. As a transfer, your current GPA, application, and activities matter way more.
2) Chances of getting in: decent at the schools with the higher transfer rates.…[Read more]
Chris Goodmacher commented on the post, College Transfer Admission Criteria: What's a "Good" GPA? 11 years ago
Ok so, (1) Chances of getting into those schools: your college GPA is definitely good enough, so it comes down to everything else: your course choices (are you going to be taking any upper-level courses next […]
Chris Goodmacher commented on the post, The College Transfer Admissions Essay: Three Keys 11 years ago
It really, really depends on how you present everything. If the whole essay is about your struggles, and you come off as making excuses, then that would be bad. If, on the other hand, you talk about things […]
Chris Goodmacher commented on the post, College Transfer Admission Criteria: What's a "Good" GPA? 11 years ago
Ok, (1) Vanderbilt will have a sense of your GPA after this semester (they’ll ask your professors to fill out a mid-term report). (2) As we say in our book (this is also what we tell our counseling students), […]
Chris Goodmacher commented on the post, College Transfer Admission Criteria: What's a "Good" GPA? 11 years ago
Also, one more thing: many universities will take you. The question is whether you would prefer them to your current school. There are almost 3,000 four-year colleges in the US (!), and most of them are easier to […]
Chris Goodmacher commented on the post, College Transfer Admission Criteria: What's a "Good" GPA? 11 years ago
By far the most important factor in transfer admissions is GPA, so the higher your GPA, the easier it will be to get in. Richmond says most successful applicants have at minimum a 3.0, so you’ll be in the running […]
Chris Goodmacher commented on the post, College Transfer Admission Criteria: What's a "Good" GPA? 11 years ago
NYU would be hardest to get into, but I’d say you have a solid shot at all of them, especially if your GPA is 3.8-9. Good luck, keep the GPA up!
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Transferring to an Engineering Degree in the forum Four-Year Transfers 11 years ago
Hi @freddy!
Thanks for posting, and I’m sorry things have been tough.
Can you tell us a little more about your situation? If the low GPA is due to just one or two grades that you got at a particularly tough time, then that may be easier to explain than across-the-board lower grades.
Also, I’m sure there are engineering schools out there that…[Read more]
Chris Goodmacher commented on the post, College Transfer Q&A: I Didn't Do Well My First Semester. Do I Still Have a Shot at Transferring? 11 years ago
You’re doing exactly the right thing. We’ve found from counseling students that the positive effect of an upward trend is really, really strong and, especially in your case, you can’t get higher than 4.0. Keep it up!
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Want to get some advices about retaking the course that I got C in the forum Four-Year Transfers 12 years ago
What’s your overall GPA?
Chris Goodmacher replied to the topic Transfer from Villanova in the forum Four-Year Transfers 12 years ago
Sounds like it’s highly likely you’ll get in to UMD, good luck with both!
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